Education & Industry Resources for
Supply Chain Automation

The National Center for Supply Chain Automation unites industry and education to work together to increase the number of highly skilled supply chain technicians to meet the growing national need for automation workers. We build industry connections with experts to inform educators about the latest trends and technologies transforming supply chains, and we provide materials-handling companies opportunities to shape the future workforce.

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Download NCSCA’s Introduction to the Automated Warehouse e-textbook, a foundational text for the 21st-century supply chain technician.

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Resource Library

The NCSCA Resource Library has a wealth of information for educators, industry and students, including news, labor-market data and industry reports.

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Interested in a career in supply chain automation? We have 6 certification options that will give you the skills you need to launch an SCA career.

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Center News

Check out NCSCA News to stay in the know about industry partnerships, certification information and more.

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Find a College

Looking for colleges that offer programs that prepare students for supply chain technician careers? Our searchable database of colleges nationwide makes it easy.

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The National Center for Supply Chain Automation works to increase the workforce of qualified, highly-skilled supply chain technicians to meet the growing national need for automation workers.

What's New

Learn about the latest news in our industry

Podcast: Delivering Automation at UPS

In this podcast, David Ayala, Western Region Buildings and Systems Engineering Training Manager at UPS, discusses how he has seen the company go from humans manually sorting packages by zip code to today’s increasingly automated processes.

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Spotlight Session: Development Roadmap: Industry Validated Automation Technician Certifications

The National Center for Supply Chain Automation started a collaborative journey years ago with a vision to create an industry validated certification program preparing skilled technicians to work in today’s highly automated supply chain. The certification development vision was finally realized in March of 2020 when the Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation Program was rolled out. During this journey, something innovative occurred—the invention of a hands-on skills verification device that teaches and assesses 100 hands-on required skills...

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NCSCA Videos

Learn about the latest industry trends and practices – straight from experts in the field.

Paul Perkins Amatrol Skill Boss Logistics & CT-SCA

Paul Perkins of Amatrol overviews e-learning and hardware solutions to support MSSC CT-SCA certification training.

Neil Reddy MSSC CT-SCA Overview

Neil Reddy of MSSC speaks about the Supply Chain Automation Certified Technician certification, based on work by the National Center for Supply Chain Automation.

Steve Harrington NCSCA Overview & CT-SCA Role

Steve Harrington of the National Center for Supply Chain Automation overviews the NSF-funded centers’ efforts to establish competencies to define the job of a Supply Chain Automation Technician, as well as the resources the center offers and ways viewers can participate.
Download the updated presentation here.



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"You folks have done a nice job with the curriculum package for students and schools and with the certification process for students. Thanks for a great product."

Roy Brixen
College of San Mateo

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